Wednesday, July 16


i have just joined the new generation!
whoa, not to be confused with the pepsi generation.
what up 1986!
oops, did i just date myself?

anyway, last year, my brother totally set me up with a myspace page.
and ummm, i actually do not know how that's going over there.
mike, could you check it out, you know update me?

meanwhile, back at the ranch.
today, after hearing about a tragic story (too sad, can't share, maybe later, still too sad) about a former bff that became less of a bff after know the drill, she stayed a tech, i went on to live the fightin' texas aggie dream etc. . . anyway, after hearing that story followed by a series of emails and text messages later, i became intrigued in this whole facebook thing.

amazing! sure enough, you just type in your school and year of graduation, and all these people pop up and you're like wow! i haven't seen you since '92. or, i haven't seen you since your wedding! etc. . .
this whole time i'm thinking "hmmm, as cool as this is, if i haven't talked to you since all those years ago, how weird is it to pop up on your radar now? i mean we probably lost touch for a reason, and as much fun as catching up is (no one loves that game more than i do), i kinda felt like a stalker.

then i found this. and i couldn't stop laughing.

stalker validation.

2 people said stuff:

AHA said...


a-townblog said...

Ummmm, that video is the funniest freaking thing I've ever seen. Especially since I stalked your blog FROM your Facebook page (since we're friends and all!) Oh do I have pictures I can't wait to share. Kidding, only kidding!
