Wednesday, July 16

facebook update

ummm, still trying to figure out the kinks in this facebook thing.
wouldn't it be easier just to email people directly?

just wondering.

i have added a few friends, i think. like i said i'm working on it.
i didn't realize that as i'm clicking on people to look at them, i've somehow sent out friend requests. actually, a good thing, because i don't think i would have known how to do it on purpose. mike? katy? help!

i kind of feel bad, because this may be checked as often as my myspace. i feel like i'm just throwing cyberjunk out there, you know taking up valuable cyber space that i'm sure could be filled with more important things, like Big Brother updates, Texags postings, or IMDB updates.

1 people said stuff:

AHA said...

Please be my friend on FB.