Thursday, May 8

quotes, mantras and mottos

as i've been cruising al gore's internet, i notice lots of blogs with these.
i'm not real good at remembering things.
i'm not a good movie quoter.
but you'll notice i've added something that makes me laugh everytime i say it.

this feature may change, i don't know.
i don't have a motto, other than the whole party thing. (thanks pam beasley) i don't quote people and i don't have a mantra.

so i figure when i hear funny, or inspirational, words. . . .i'll throw them at you, my public.

2 people said stuff:

Anonymous said...

You? Not a good movie quoter? Need I remind you of Walmart photo session circa 1995?

Anonymous said...

So did you hear this one last night, from Benjamin Linus: "Destiny is a finicky b**ch"." Rob's comment to that was, "I know Destiny, and he's right. She is a finicky b**ch".