Saturday, May 10

my house is clean

it only took two days. its a process.
day one: pick up everything and put it in its proper place.
day two: clean! clean! clean!
(keep in mind everything is done at full speed, it has to be done before thing 1 and thing 2 come home and return it to its natural state.)

how clean?

hospital clean?

military clean?
grandma clean!

i am about to clome clean. . . . no pun intended.
in every effort to better the world we live in, our family does certain things.
we recycle

we use these:

but there is one area i will not cave. . . .i use chemicals to clean. my product of shoice?

there is a certain smell associated with clean, and fragrance free, dye free, earth friendly products just don't cut it. i can go natural, i can go earthy, but have you seen pictures from the earthiest time ever. . . .the 70's. . . . . . . .they just don't look clean to me.

3 people said stuff:

JMartinez said...


Anonymous said...

Mon, the 70s...I lived it! People WERE dirty!

katy said...

only one post today?? you must've had a busy day. :)