my two amys have given updates on their since i haven't jumped on enough bandwagons yet, i'll add this one in to the rotation.
c'mon, we all know we're hooked. and since my initial facebook post, it seems like EVERYONE is on. of course, when my mom learns to confirm folks, then we know its over!
not even mine. i'm all about literacy and all that that implies, but whatever happened to coloring, cutting and pasting, and nap time? oh, and keeping that at school?
and, yep, i'm that mom, we find ourselves doing homework at the breakfast table.
okay, that might mean i suck just a little bit.
i keep going back and forth between those stupid phones. i want an iphone. but have you seen the new blackberry storm? oooooooo.
but, its really a mute point since i have to go 6 months without breaking or losing my old phone, or having a ginormous bill before my accountant will let me upgrade. we keep having to reset every couple of months. at this rate, when i get a chance to finally upgrade, we'll all have little phones implanted in our brains.
in the meantime, i just envy. envy may equal suck. of course, since i can't keep up with my old phone, also, suck.
discussing/thinking/obsessing about schools/jobs/life/future.
hmmmm obsessing definitely = suck.
the wilson's are becoming healthier (less chik-fil-a runs), wealthier (less chik-fil-a runs) and wise (the kids are getting very creative in their excuses for not being hungry. but, i am trying to cook more. i have stolen several recipes from cafe molina (that didn't quite turn out the same), but stolen and tried nonetheless. cooking ability = definite suck
while not my own, i will breathe easier once nov 29th comes and goes. stress? i can't imagine why?
4. TEXAS TECH FOOTBALL AND BCS STANDINGS. getting rid of r.c. (the winningest coach in our history) really angered the football gods. we have entered bizarro world where my fightin' texas aggies aren't even discussed, but texas tech is #2? potentially a bigXII championship. hopes of playing for the nat'l championship? i may bleed maroon, but my roots are red and black.
that's right, i am the change you can believe in. or the hope you can change? or the belief that i'm hope? whatever.
but you are looking at the new president of our neighborhood parents group! okay, so there was no campaign, there was no election, there wasn't even a scandal. and there really is nothing to change, our neighborhood group is awesom. but the torch has been passed to me for the 2009 year, along with a super stud co-president, so let's hope this sweet little neighborhood doesn't go to hell in a you-know-what.
2. SAN ANTONIO's finally here. my next marathon. excited to run. excited to eat yummy food. and more excited to see old friends. real ones, not just the facebook kind!
now, i will only be running the half, along with my friends, it turns out there's a good reason for that decision too.......
i'll just let that one sink in.
7 people said stuff:
Yeah for Baby Wilson!
you listen to the ticket too much.
glad that i am not the only one insane enough to have three....
at least i have good company!!!
i'm glad you don't have a hate list, i'd prob be on it.
FELICIDADES con el bebe. LOCA!
WHAT!? Apparently, if this was family news before it was the blogosphere's news, I totally missed out.
SHUT UP!!!! Yay for you...three is sooo much fun!! (as far as you know:)).
The SHUT UP is also referring to the running of a half marathon while with child...whatever, when I was preggers I competed in the IronMan. I'm just saying...
Love your list, madame president.
awesome! congratulations! :)
CONGRATULATIONS YOU CRAZY LADY! Clearly I'm sensoring way too much on my blog if you're still interesting and willing to enter the land of 3. :)
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