Wednesday, April 23

hillary-part II

a while back there was an article in our paper by rod dreher about
"crunchy conservatives"

it was basically an article about folks who's faith is often at odds with their political convictions. . . seemingly. you know, right v. left. there was also an article (not at the same time, but i couldn't find it and our paper makes you purchase old archives-no thanks) about hillary and how as a methodist church goer from a staunch republican family, her liberal views were often at odds.
(here is where i stood up and yelled "me too hillary! me too!")

so began my summer-2007-of hillary.
in addition to googling, wikepediaing and youtubing,
i read the following books:
it takes a village-hillary rodham clinton
the case for hillary clinton-susan estrich
hillary's turn: inside her improbable, victorious senate campaign-michael tomasky
the case against hillary clinton-peggy noonan
the first partner; hillary rodham clinton-joyce milton

once again(see part I), there were way more anti-hillary books than pro-hillary books, so be nice.

as i began to read, i realized i could totally get on board with her. she is a HUGE advocate for children, women, working moms(!) and families in general. she really sees us-america-doing a huge disservice to our children. (once again, i stand up and yelled "me too hillary! me too!")
from her days at wellesley, to her days at yale, to her early law career days, she worked for women and children. man was i ready to turn in my red card. . . .
then i read more.
the more i read, the more i felt she knew the 70's weren't ready for her. . . enter bill stage left.
through him
, she was able to accomplish a lot more during the pre-feminist age. she is a smart gal. a very smart gal. i also felt a little elitism coming from her. not good when you're an alleged advocate for poor, children, working women, and anyone else who is not a 30-something white male.

do i need to wrap all this up? point being, i think she means well. i also think she thirsts for power, and will do anything to (tongue in cheek) take over the world. i think she has great ideas and some really good policies to put in place, but is very much a "my way or the highway" type leader.
that can be good. that can be bad.
i completely understand her struggles.
i completely understand her thirst for power.

1 people said stuff:

svitela said...

Oh, yah, you're a REAL power monger. You ALWAYS give off that impression when you walk in the room.....tee hee. LOL