Monday, October 6

girls' night

little sis gets carted around to all things big brother. karate. soccer. friend's houses. you name it.
i won't say she's always a good sport about it, but she definitely could be worse.
saturday night daddy worked late.
big brother had a sleep-over.
i decided to treat her to her own girls' night, or as she calls it. the girl party!
she picked out the decor, the spread, and the activities.
"light" and "dark" grape juice, pizza, strawberries with chocolate dipping sauce and of course, pink princess sprinkles

she loved the juice......
but loved the chocolate and strawberries more......

and what girls' night is not complete without the mani-pedi........

or the chick-flick....

6 people said stuff:

Marlee said...

Chocolate and strawberries - a girl after my own heart!

a-townblog said...

real, real cute!!

denise, the honey crew said...

i love this more than you can imagine! welcome to my world!

Liz said...

are you sure thats grape juice you will be drinking?

The Browns said...

ahhh...this literally hurt my heart and made me ache for a girl! I love it!!!! You are an A+ mommy!

Diane Pruett said...

So sweet! You are so thoughtful! :)