Tuesday, February 1

my turn

as i sit in our dark hallway, waiting for thing 1 to fall asleep, i figure i'll try this blog thing. i mean if mark cuban can have one. . . right?
oh, why the dark hallway you ask? well, right now we are in the fun stages of transitioning thing1 from a crib to a big boy bed.
good times!! we've tried supernanny, nanny 911, dr phil, dr dobson, dr. ferber, and dr. seuss. zilch! so until we get the skills napolean dynamite speaks so much about, we are relegated to taking turns sitting in the dark hallway outside his room until he falls asleep. usually an hour or more later. thank you tivo!
thus the blogger. it keeps us busy, and it can be done sans light or noise. i guess i could have also taken up knitting? sand painting?

1 people said stuff:

Lee said...

It sounds like you're a very committed parent, just like the Mothercare spider, also known as Theridion sisyphium. Mothercare spiders are one of the few spiders that look after their young after they hatch. When the young hatch she shares her prey with them and even regurgitates food for the spiderlings who feed from her mouth. I would like to think you're that kind of a mother with Crockett.