Friday, February 27

"food" for thought

there was an article in our paper(yes i still read it) about how food is the new sex.
yep, that's what i said. i've attached the link, but in case you showed up late(like i always do) and the link is gone, let me give you some excerpts.....
george will commented on mary eberstadt's policy review essay "is food the new sex?"
yeah, even after i wikipedia'd her, i still don't know who she is or what the policy review is. but i think i would like to read more of her stuff.

Imagine, says Eberstadt, a 30-year-old Betty in 1958, and her 30-year-old granddaughter Jennifer today. Betty's kitchen is replete with things – red meat, dairy products, refined sugars, etc. – that nutritionists now instruct us to minimize. She serves meat from her freezer,
accompanied by this and that from jars. If she thinks about food, she thinks
only about what she enjoys, not what she, and everyone else, ought to eat.

Jennifer pays close attention to food, about which she has strong opinions.
She eats neither red meat nor endangered fish, buys "organic" meat and produce,
fresh fruits and vegetables, and has only ice in her freezer. These choices are,
for her, matters of right and wrong.

Betty would be baffled by draping moral abstractions over food, a mere matter of personal taste. Regarding sex, however, she had her Categorical Imperative – the 1950s' encompassing sexual ethic that proscribed almost all sex outside of marriage. Jennifer is a Whole Foods Woman; she bristles with judgments about eating, but is essentially laissez-faire about sex. Today "the all-you-can-eat buffet" is stigmatized, and the "sexual smorgasbord" is not.

i know right! a very interesting commentary on our society.

talk amongst yourselves........

1 people said stuff:

The Browns said...

read this last night but have to admit it was a bit heavy for this momma.

then couldn't stop thinking about it last night.

verrry, verrry interesting. I think she's on to something there.