Saturday, February 28

the 2 willys

what did you think i was talking about?

okay, so we know who i prefer.....even if he is prettier than me, especially in that purple suit........
but, we thought we'd put it to the real test.......thing 1 and thing 2.

for our weekly movie night, we thought we'd do a comparative cinematic know try to be educational?

okay, really we just wanted to watch the willy wonkas and see what the kids thought.

now, if you know me, you know i'm relatively conservative when it comes to what my kids watch, which is why this is the first time either one of them have seen either one of these movies.

although my boy asks for transformers, star wars-clone wars, and pirates of the caribbean, he's only getting noggin. no commercials and they are limited to things like olivia, backyardigans and little einsteins.

oh wait, we have started them on some scooby-doo and my new favorite, phineas and ferb. mainly because the music to both is super sweet!

i know, i know, call me a hypocrite. my tv is my lifeline. but enough about me.

night 1: johnny depp's willy (okay, now that is kinda funny)
while johnny depp is a little um, eclectic? the special effects are amazing!
the oompa loompa who is the same guy throughout the whole movie? crazy!
and how can you not like helena bonham carter?

and, charlie bucket has a dad. good call. a 2 parent household. you knew this wasn't a disney flick. sorry walt.
i also like that this version followed the book so much more closely.
except for maybe willy wonka's creepy dentist dad and child willy wonka's crazy head gear, this movie? sooooo not scary.
2 thumbs up.
the best part of this movie? you see augustus gloop, veruca salt, violet beauregard, and mike teevee walk out of the factory, a little worse for wear, but totally alive.
this is important.

night 2: gene wilder's willy (again, i made my self giggle)
the songs, especially the oompa loompa songs in this version cannot be beat!
okay, okay, so the special effects leave a little bit to be desired.....i mean it looks like it was put together in my gym. but c'mon folks it was 1971. we hadn't even gotten star wars yet.
of course, we all remember the LSD boat ride they take after augustus gloop falls into the chocolate river. again, great for children.
sadly, this did unnerve my babies, and while covering their eyes, i contemplated turning it off.
but no, i remembered, it gets better.
okay, so maybe i should have turned it off. parker still asks about "why that girl turned into a blueberry" and when charlie and granpa drink the fizzy soda? she began to cry and wanted to go to bed.
way to go mom of the year!
1 thumbs up, i middle finger up.

my boy? not phased. he loved them both, but actually like gene wilder better!

its just funny. i remember having a conversation with my friend michelle about how her daughter who was about 3 or 4 at the time and the things that scared her. things like little mermaid and some of the other princess movies. not having a girl at the time, i couldn't understand it. from the time he was 2, my boy has asked to watch the craziest of things, and on the off chance i gave in, no problems! now that i have a sensitive little girl, i can totally understand. of course, sadly for my boy this just makes me hold more stuff back.

you know those tv ratings? i usually add about 2 years to them, you know Y7 in my world becomes Y9. i may just add 2 more.

Friday, February 27

"food" for thought

there was an article in our paper(yes i still read it) about how food is the new sex.
yep, that's what i said. i've attached the link, but in case you showed up late(like i always do) and the link is gone, let me give you some excerpts.....
george will commented on mary eberstadt's policy review essay "is food the new sex?"
yeah, even after i wikipedia'd her, i still don't know who she is or what the policy review is. but i think i would like to read more of her stuff.

Imagine, says Eberstadt, a 30-year-old Betty in 1958, and her 30-year-old granddaughter Jennifer today. Betty's kitchen is replete with things – red meat, dairy products, refined sugars, etc. – that nutritionists now instruct us to minimize. She serves meat from her freezer,
accompanied by this and that from jars. If she thinks about food, she thinks
only about what she enjoys, not what she, and everyone else, ought to eat.

Jennifer pays close attention to food, about which she has strong opinions.
She eats neither red meat nor endangered fish, buys "organic" meat and produce,
fresh fruits and vegetables, and has only ice in her freezer. These choices are,
for her, matters of right and wrong.

Betty would be baffled by draping moral abstractions over food, a mere matter of personal taste. Regarding sex, however, she had her Categorical Imperative – the 1950s' encompassing sexual ethic that proscribed almost all sex outside of marriage. Jennifer is a Whole Foods Woman; she bristles with judgments about eating, but is essentially laissez-faire about sex. Today "the all-you-can-eat buffet" is stigmatized, and the "sexual smorgasbord" is not.

i know right! a very interesting commentary on our society.

talk amongst yourselves........

Thursday, February 26

sweet salvation

okay, salvation may be a strong word here, i mean there is only one way to salvation and that is of course through the grace of my very sweet savior jesus christ, but that's another post for another day.

have you seen these? i know, i know as always, i'm late to the party, these have been around for a while, but since i'm not into having someone hold me underwater while at the ocean, or the dead sea, shooting salt water up my nose just didn't sound like fun.

i have battled allergies all my life, took shots, took prescription meds, i have done it all! here's the fun part, when you're pregnant, most of that stuff you just don't want to mess with.

i know, things are safer now, yada, yada, yada. but its like with the whole "can you have a glass of wine" controversy.......regardless of what the facts say about moderation, i deal with enough, how do i say this delicately.......crack-babies, fetal alcohol babies, and babies of babies, that i do not want to take that chance. there are already so many factors OUT of my control that can do in-utero harm, that the factors i CAN control? oh i'm controlling!

so, i gave in to the neti pot, and despite almost drowning twice while standing at my bathroom sink, i have to say i am pleased. now i find out they have a whole line, like a "no back wash" design, a "kids mist" think my kids hated the booger patrol before, wait until i come at them with this.

so, neti pot, you get a thumbs up and my full endorsement.
the checks should be rolling in anytime.

Friday, February 20

monica needs.....

okay, this is straight from FACEBOOK.
yes, i've been there again.
but the latest thing is tagging. i'm running out of people to tag, so instead, i'll post here.

Go to Google, type in your first name and the word "needs" after it. Then tell us - what are the top ten things Google says you "need"?

1. monica needs a job.

tell me something i don't know. i'm still waiting for the fame and fortune that comes with my current job.....
2. monica needs new holes in her skin.

like i need a hole in my head. are they talking piercings? acupuncture? this one is just scary!
3. monica needs a bicycle master plan.

clearly someone spilled the beans that i'm off my running master plan.
4. monica needs another dressed washed.

really? can we not forget about THAT monica?

5. monica needs a haircut

i'm trying! i'm really, really trying! but the pony is soooooo convenient.
6. monica needs to rent a room.

i have been trying for 6 years to get my own oprah space. last year i was told "my room" could be the kitchen. the kitchen!?! yes, the kitchen.
7. monica needs some highlights.

see #5
8. monica needs some volunteers.

now that's what i'm talking about! man, have i got a "to do" list for those volunteers.
9. monica needs to take the simplest measure.

okay now that's just creepy. google, you know me. you really know me.
10. monica needs to be promoted more on the east coast.

i see talk show circuit, letterman, jimmy kimmel, craig ferguson.....too bad gordon keith is off.

do you think i can get double billed with mark wahlberg?

Monday, February 16

my own scarlet letter

i have a confession to make.....
i have been unfaithful.
i have found a, well, as a female, can i have a "mistress"? a mister?
while i love the blogspot, i have found myself straying...
of course, by looking at my blogroll, i realize i am not the only one...

i originally resurrected this blog as a means for me to spare my husband all the random thoughts that go through my know, take home only about 10,000 words as opposed to all 50,000 that my x chromosomes use.
but alas, i have been absent, is it because he listens to me more, or i've just repressed more?
hmmm, that is the million dollar question.
the million dollar answer?

here's what i discovered. i love blogs because they give me a look into other people's why not start my own. i have a pretty fun world, right?

enter FACEBOOK stage right.

the more i confirmed and the less i ignored, the more i realized i was way more interested in other people's lives than i was divulging about my own.
not only that, but just as i got used to thinking in blog posts, i quickly adapted to thinking in status updates. which of course was easy, one sentence as opposed to a few paragraphs.

and don't get me wrong, i love talking about myself, but this.....its like a giant party and everyone i know is there! a little like what i imagine heaven is like.
now that's what i'm talking about.