has it been a week already?
well here's my san antonio update. okay, i really just stole it from marlee, but she tells a good story.
Sunday was the big race. We were really jazzed about running. Seriously. So excited. Couldn't wait to get up at 5:30 and wait for the shuttle in 34 degree weather for an hour. So fun. I was hoping to wait our there longer but the shuttle arrived and we had to go.
Met a NCSU grad on the bus (go Wolfpack!).
Got dropped off and walked, um, half a mile to the start line. Finally, we were off.
Folks, I hate to knock SA but it is so not that pretty. I'm assuming the route planners took us through the best of what SA has to offer in the hopes that some of the 30,000 runners may want to come back. I think they missed the enchilada on that one. Anyhoo, we were running and it was fine, lots of angry bands along the way to keep us going.We got to mile 8 when Monica began to feel the effects of her delicate condition. (i would give details here, but you guys just need to know that wilson3 did NOT enjoy the run) Instead of push our luck, we decided to walk the rest of the race. It ended up being great - gave us more time to hang out!
We crossed the finish line, snagged all the free food we (ok, I think it was just me) could and then started the 2 mile walk back to the hotel. We finally got to a point
where traffic could get through and called Dad to come get us. Yea Dad! We
decided that our next trip to see each other would:(1) not involve running 13.1 miles
(2) would be girls only
(3) not be in SA and
(4) involve more wine.
Can't wait! me either mary lee!
we had such a great time, i forgot to take pictures. actually, i have one picture on my phone, and since it took me 3 tries to take the picture, and its taken me a week to find the picture, i'll have to get one of my students show me how to get it from my phone to the computer.
ahhhh technology.
oh, and sooo not done referes to the fact that 2009 will be the year of the race. i gotta get my mojo back.
1 people said stuff:
You are amazing! A half marathon while preggers?? Get out!
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