Wednesday, October 22

one of these things

is not like the other.
one of these things just isn't the same
. (insert singing muppets here)

you know when you have a little angel on one shoulder and a little devil on the other?
you are previewing the 2 flower girls in my brother's november wedding.
guess which one is mine?

oh wait? why isn't parker in the dress too....oh yeah that.
won't. even. let. me. get. it. near. her.
something about "i want my red raider dress and orange shoes" (those would be her crocs)

gentlemen, place your bets!
i hear vegas has some pretty good odds going.

this may be considered inside information, but here's a picture of her at one of the bridal showers....

i'm just saying.

3 people said stuff:

denise, the honey crew said...

i understand. oatmeal waiting for her at the front of the church!

a-townblog said...

you kill me....seriously. promise to post video from the wedding...COME'll be fun!

Amy Magallanes said...

Whats wrong with my pictures?