Wednesday, July 23

true greatness-i mean it

last night we watched ocean's eleven. a great flick.
ever notice how brad pitt is always eating in that movie?
seriously. check it out.

well, it got me thinking.

(and i know you remember the growing pains episodes)

turned into this:

from carol seaver dream boyfriend, to super dad trying to save the entire third world. crazy!
then i really got me thinking (insert dave's "uh-oh" along with a heavy sigh)

look at these guys:


turned into this:


turned into this:

and of course,


became this:

but my all time favorite transformation is this:

turning into this:

and this:
and that my friends is true greatness!
you know you can still feel those good vibrations.
and how many of us would like to take a walk on the wild side?
but, lyrical greatness and rock hard abs aside, this guy has made some great movies and you can't help but love him!

top marky mark movies of all time:
15. the substitute-a bit part, but cast as "marky mark".
14. basketball diaries-such a sad story.
13. rock star-okay, i never saw it, so it should be #15, but he is the
headliner, but come on, the hair?
12. 4 brothers-lots of character development and dialogue, and shoot 'em
11. perfect storm-i could honestly take it or leave it, but it is
really sad that he doesn't come home.
10. fear-ooooooh, the bad guy.
9. planet of the apes-weird, but i really liked it.
8. boogie nights-come on. dirk diggler?
7. three kings-great dialogue and character development....and of
course some shoot 'em ups.
6. the happening-creepy, but he is so lovable in his "save the world"
5. we own the night-it was petty hard to get past joaquin
phoenix(blech), but marky mark being the good guy helps you look past scarface.
4. invincible-talk about being lovable. you can't help but love
this guy
3. shooter-bless his heart, he just wants to live his life, but the
bad guys won't leave him alone (a common thread throughout most marky
2. departed-again, the common thread
1. italian job-the dude is awesome!

i'm sure some of these are up for debate, but let me tell you what isn't up for debate, the spot he holds in my top 5. and that, my friends, is another blog for another day.

2 people said stuff:

Ang said...

Dude, Fear should definitely be higher on the list! "Nicole Foreva!" That and the etire movie is filled with Bush songs. That is one of the ultimate 90s movies

JMartinez said...

dude, i <3 huckabees! he's genius in that movie.