Monday, June 30


is for the birds!
we're working on breaking through this addiction.
this has been a permanent fixture on my girl's face since day 1.
i admit, i am partly to blame as her supplier and dealer.
but, it has saved us through church services, weddings, movies, and late nights. but now is the time to pull the plug.
i contemplated going cold turkey, but that's cruel.
she's not interested in sending "papi" on a "journey", or even in the "papi fairy".
so, we are scaling back to only two hits a day, nap time and bed time.

here's the problem, it used to be attached to her blankie. my thinking was "who would want to carry around a blanket everywhere?" well, she did.
but, late nights, when papi slipped out, we just searched the edges of blankie.
now that we have detached it, this is what we hear at night.
as she roams through the house searching.
now, put this on a continual loop and play it for about 2 hours. . . . at 2 in the morning. last night, i held her as she finally fell asleep quietly saying "i want papi, i love papi, papi...."
sounding a lot like gollum searching for "his precious"

4 people said stuff:

denise, the honey crew said...

cold turkey is the only way to go. 2 horrendous nights, and the habit will be broken. i would offer to break it for you, but i have my own "grandparent detox" i'm trying to deal with....

Amy Magallanes said...

Oh, Monica. Have fun with the grandparent detox you will have to deal with.

anda said...

poor baby. poor mommy.

call if you want the racoon to come and play...and you can take a nap!!!!

Diane Pruett said...

LOL! I'm so sorry Monica for you and Dave, but I have to say that's hilarious though. Keep persevering, she'll learn. You are doing a great job! :)