Friday, May 16


denise started a summer salad share.
well one of my favorite dishes is

and i am not a seafood lover, but this little mixture of fish, scallops, crab, squid (sometimes) that's been sitting for days in a lime juice marinade. that's how its cooked, the acids. crazy!
it is so yummy and refreshing and you don't even realize you've eaten a whole basket of chips with it!
here's the thing, i don't cook, so i really couldn't tell you how to make it. i could find a recipe and cut and paste it here, but then someone would ask me how to make it, or ask me to make it and then my cover's blown. so instead, i am including a list of some places that i have had some yummy ceviche.
uncle julio's
la calle doce
machu picchu

i hear stephan pyles makes a mean ceviche and la ciudad is pretty good too. i'll have to check those next.

i'm sure there are more out there, and i intend to find them!

1 people said stuff:

denise, the honey crew said...

i think you should mock up a ceviche and have me over to try it.

thanks for participating! not sure what my blogger friends in NJ will do with this information! however, i look forward to trying machu picchu, never heard of it!