Wednesday, February 23

You've got to be kidding

as many of you know, since college I have been teaching. I began my glorious career as a banner earning, district winning, middle school volleyball coach in a very wealthy suburb of Dallas. . .Desoto, Texas. from there I decided to retire from coaching and try my hand at elementary science in the great Dallas public school system.
hmmmmm, for those that were there during the transition year, there is a special spot in heaven for you. thanks!
since then, I have regained my sanity and have been able to regain my position as a kinesiologist pedagogue (that's french for pe teacher), still at the same school in Dallas. but, rather than seeing only about 100 6th graders, I now see all 600 students, from kindergarten to 6th grade.
as I began the school year in september, I looked forward to being back in my element, playing games, being loud, and best of all getting to wear shorts and sweatshirts and running shoes. that is until things got in to full swing. . . .in my 6 years of teaching, I have never had to take a sick day for being "sick". I can remember one day in high school when I had a really bad ear infection, but other than that, nothing.
this year alone (and by year I mean september until now) I have had ringworm, flu, sinus infection, and pinkeye! I guess since i've always been around big kids who don't want much from their teachers, especially not hugs, I was a low risk for communicable diseases. now that I have little kids all over me, i'm a walking billboard for the cdc.
what's my point? well, I could keep every child I encounter at arm's length and show no affection. I could continue hugging everything but the trees and risk taxing my immune system. I have chosen the hugs. see, I feel very blessed with the family and friends I grew up with. some of my kids, I don't know if they hugged at home or not. to think that I could be the only hug these kids get, well, let's just say pinkeye or not I would get very teary. so, I 'll risk getting all sorts of stuff, lice, unknown rashes, worms. . . bring 'em on. I hope you will too. just keep plenty of antibiotics on hand at all times.

4 people said stuff:

Anonymous said...

God Bless elementary teachers. Keep the vitamin c in reach! Wendy

Anonymous said...

This year has been particularly bad for illnesses at my elementary school. I too have kids whose homelives leave a lot to be desired. Just yesterday in returning a hug to a little girl, my first thought was, "Did my hair just touch her hair??" Lice is my biggest fear! Jodie

Anonymous said...

as is sit in my self-contained bubble (office)free of most germs, i am wondering what it might be like to come in contact with boogers all day long. i can handle being smeared with all the bodily goop that comes from my own child, but i might have to draw the line there. bless you!!! i am greatful for those who are willing to do the things that i am not equipped to handle :)

@aar0n_m said...

disgusting post, dude. do people really wanna hear about the ringworm you had?