Thursday, March 12

the force is stronger than this one....

i finally caved. the boy is getting to watch the genius that is lucas and spielberg. he's had a great week at school, he's been hit with strep throat right before spring break......he needs something, so here you go bud.
a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..........

if you follow this blog, or if you know me at all, you know this is HUGE.

up until today, his viewing pleasure has been limited to the following:

backyardigans-the music is AWESOME!

mickey mouse clubhouse-how can you not know mickey as a kid


the upside down show-i may have a slight crush on shane and david, they're like a silly russell crowe.

we have just recently introduced duck dodgers and phineas and ferb, and mainly, because i love their theme songs.

why have i held out? i mean, there are some 6 year olds who are intimately familiar with darth maul, the joker, and the transporter.......i just want to keep my long as possible. they don't need to be introduced to death, destruction, and the dark side. i mean arms chopped off, carbon freezing.....wait, i'm getting ahead of myself.

then a few weeks ago dave and i watched it. seriously, it was probably the first time i had seen it since the early 80's. ummmm, i think i may have more issues with duck dodgers than lucas and speilberg. honestly, if crockett could even understand the storyline, then i have way underestimated him. i mean there were things that i just now understood. like the whole "help me obiwan, you're my only hope...." i had no idea what her message was saying. solo and his renegade self, only just now understanding that, and darth vader is the dad?! whoa!? i never saw that coming! not only that, despite han solo and all his hunkiness, there is no blood, the creatures don't even look scarym and the explosions? c' i caved.

needless to say, we only made it to the bar scene on luke's planet and he's out......totally bored.

see, he's not ready.

score one for mom!

Wednesday, March 4

ladies, he's mine, all mine

while this is typically me.

no really, it is.

these days i'm more a combo of


i can't help it, you try having a first trimester that basically lasts as long as most pregnancies and we'll see how you come out. oops. see, there's that green lady coming out.

but face it ladies, all those hormones, all those hunger pains, all those emotions, make some gals a little crazy. of course, the craziest ones don't admit they're crazy.......

i'm crazy.

the good news is, not many people see this side of me.
the bad news is, not many people see this side of me.
i save it all for the one i love..........

so, this is a tribute to him.
i didn't do a valentine's day post, an anniversary post, or even a birthday post.
mainly because if i go on and on about his greatness, you would all show up on my porch wanting a piece!

but these days, he deserves so much more.
D-DUB, thank you for not leaving me to find someone more.....stable.